Saturday, July 10, 2010

Biding times

Sitting around getting fresh with some hand styles. Meditation is key. Close your eyes and draw the most intricate system you can. Trust me it will help your confusion .


Several Posters I have done for the Co.Lab shows.


Wow, when you dig up the past you find some fun.
This was a improved piece way back from one of the Co.Labs show in February I believe. Good times. If you look close enough there is a monster on top looking down.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Downtown at work today looking at people in City Market. Had to make the best of my time at work.

Drew some people.

-AFW 2010

Monday, March 22, 2010


The first is my contribution to the Outlets "Finish the Drawing" exert for their latest issue.
The second is just my random sketchbook random scan. I colored in Photoshop.

Monday, March 15, 2010

APRIL 24th 2010.

BARE. The Nude Show at the Co-Lab.

Get out your calendars people. This show is going to be rediculous. The plans are still top secret but no worries we have your imaginations covered!

From the name you can gather some sort of information but there will be more circulating soon. This poster will be in the South Magazine’s new issue coming out in the next few weeks.

Keep your eyes open and we will fill your ears with more information as we construct it for you.

Space in the next show is still available so for more information give us an email or a call.

_The Co-Lab_Crew

Production: Alex Farkas-Worthy, Minna Betancourt, Clayton Walsh.

Photo: Walter Benavides

Friday, March 12, 2010

Our Latest project: Chatham Area Transit 30 second spot.
Will be aired within the next week or two.

For more Information: